Friday, June 01, 2007

My Senses Takes A Spin

My senses takes a spin
from the aura of her scent
and sail to the starry skies
as if were heaven sent.

Reminiscent of a rose
radiating with lustful fumes
which gathers other aromas
to a hearty sensual bloom.

Her kiss but an invitation
to a sultry morsel bite
A fancy box of chocolate
and wine to sip at night.

She smiles a radiant glow
a picture of pure lust.
No artist rendition
might stir me to a fuss.

I am struggling to tell
the effect she has on me.
Her demeanor and poise
poses reverently.

My senses takes a spin
my body trembles too
Just the aura of her presence
erupts me thru and thru.

Like the heaving of a volcano
her affect is just as strong.
Every move is an invitation
for my eyes to follow along.

A tasty treat to absorb
my mouth in a constant drool.
And when she makes love to me
I'm returned to lovers school.

All I can do is sigh
at the wonder of her loving me.
A special bouquet of flowers
I treasure ecstatically.

Del Cano 2007 May


Melinda said...

very beautiful too!

Blanch said...

What a beautiful gift given for the woman you love so dearly.