Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sweet Kisses

Been trying to explain just how
she raises my sugar level so high.
I think maybe it might be those kisses
like grandma's sweet potato pie.

When she enters the door
its like she's been gone for so long.
Grabs me like a choking vine
but can't say I can call it wrong.

That woman keeps me smiling
even sitting round resting in a daze.
I look over there at her in my lust
loving all of her passionate ways.

Don't care if she's wearing cut offs
or a big oversized sweat suit.
Just love being in her presence
as if her body was sugar fruit.

My sugar level rises to a high
that rosy smile never misses.
Drive me just as batty now
since she first gave out her kisses.

All these years haven't dulled
even the slightest of a bit.
Can count on her always to stir
guaranteed to drive me to a fit.

Oh, she can be so rewarding
in all the ways she can tease.
Sitting cross from her, mind fades
thinking, pass the jelly, please.

Some may call me crazy
but they don't know bout this.
Wait till they get a woman
whose got an apple pie kiss.

Del Cano 2007 September

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Uttered In Heavenly Voice

I can see the bold letters
streaming cross the skies
and the brilliance you show
as I look thru your eyes.

I can't challenge those
of lesser meanings or darkness
for all I now know of is the
presence of love's sparkness.

My mind can't resume what
it once used to know about
but I can say today, happiness
provides the basis for a shout.

So even if you come with me
I realize the truth exist in us
and nothing might be changed
though we scream, shout or fuss.

I can still see the banners float
high up in heaven's skies
and all the lovely splendor
focused deep within our eyes.

Any thing but what we have
would only be a foolish choice
secret lakes of her splendors
"utter'd in heavenly voice!"

DelCano 2007 June

Love In the Air

Come smell love in the air
a whisp of grass blowing.
Trees humming a morning tune
a tractor turning and mowing.

Bikers rolling round the lake
between jogger's patting feet.
Geese gliding to their landing
ducks seeking food to eat.

Fishing poles standing tall
shadows in the rising sun.
Emotions stirring like a book
whose plot's passionately spun.

Activities all around
the park is like a stage show.
So much love in the air
a favorite place to go.

Del Cano 2007 September

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Stumbling Back Into View

Stumbling back into view
returning from a dark reprieve.
So many obstacles to get pass
at times doubted I still believed.

Passing through summer's heat
far beyond what I used to know.
Soul drenched by humid climes
nonexistent relief on the go.

Hunkered down with passions fray
demons hovering within each cloud.
The world peeping at my mess
judging lamentations out loud.

Stumbling back into view
scratched from the bizarre
Seeking the comfortable cloak
of these Poetic Stars.

Familiarity breeds moderation
tension gives way to peace.
Demons get stroked away
joy opens to an increase.

Busting through the crust
healing balm like cocoa butter.
Grasping onto the golden ring
satisfaction like no other.

Exploding talents bursting
like fireworks raining on the heart.
Returning to the peace of family
like always from the start.

Snatch the curtains open
allow pain to spill off the stage.
Raise my hands in jubilee
thank heaven I've come of age.

Light flooded out the dark
here, I run straight back to you.
Returning from that sad reprieve
stumbling back into view.

Del Cano 2007 September