Monday, January 30, 2006

Will They Understand Me

Will they understand me if I say,

" her words form
a delicate pool in which
one aches to dip a finger
and feel the liquid?

Be coated by the moment?

To take away a piece
of the emotion to savor.
I do a slow drown in
her passionate flood
while I wallow in her

Del Cano 2006 Jan


Anonymous said...

I wonder who "they" is and why you need permission. :) Beautiful work!

Delcano said...

They is anyone who doesn't grasp the depth of love and passions but feel a superficial sort of intimacy and never seem to be able to relate to how another can have feelings so much stronger than they do. They are constantly questioning my passions while they wallow at the surface of their own. Perhaps fear might be their cause of limitation. Maybe vulnerabilty is a haunting emotional bloc for them as well. I find when one reaches a vulnerabilty level in sharing the sharing increases in intensity and intimacy in a relationship.

Sorry, I seek no permission from anyone for my feelings. :)
Be blessed, V, and thank you for your comment.


Anonymous said...

Well done!

Jod{i} said...

Ahhh yes......Wonderfully said!

Christina K Brown said... managed to discuss your poem. Bravo sir, bravo, for I know how hard it is for you too.

Poets are odd souls aren't we?

Personally, all I saw was lots of sexual tension in the poem. Intended?

Delcano said...


No, no sexual tension was intended. Moreso a feeling of "she-ro" worshipping. A tremendous respect and admiration for her.


1st stanza
her words form a delicate pool in which one aches to dip a finger and feel the liquid. (Her words are precious and thought provoking and craves to be touched.)

Each time I visit I am coated (affected) by the moment.

Last stanza

To take away a piece of the emotion to savor. (To learn from and experience the emotion she puts out or to retain it )
Doing a slow drown (being washed or rinsed in her passions. Being appreciative of her attitude towards life.)

I suppose if one pressed the issue they "could" extract sexual tension from this write. But none was intended.
Yes, we poets are an odd lot. :)
Thanks so much for reading me.


Christina K Brown said... don't see the tension in passion?????

I want to live life to the fullest and dip mu fingers in everything. Leave my residue everywhere.

Be passionate.

I see tension.


You are welcome.

Delcano said...

Chuckles, Christina

Oh yes, I see and feel the tensions in passion. I am a deeply passionate person. :)


TJ said...

Wow? makes ya wonder now doesn't it?

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