Let me look in your eyes
While yet my mind is clear
I live in another dimension
But have a cabin in reality near
Let me take a deep look
Before I fade back into there
And never again get a chance
To breath the aroma of your hair.
Let me get a long look
Of the loving I do see
When I peep into your heart
And feel your aristocracy
I am going to take a study look
Like panning over a sunset view
Or looking down from a mountain top
To swaying grass with gleaming dew.
Can you imagine the detail
I intend to record to my mind
To lock you all in to me
To conserve till the end of time.
Before returning to my dimension
I want to photograph your heart
So I can paste it in the senses
Of the next world I tend to start.
That is why I need to see
Every bit of you to appear
While my heart is really full
And my mind is yet still clear.
Words seem not to speak
what I'm needing to convey
trying feverishly to spill emotions
drowning me on this day.
After dealing with a nightmare
recovery is being a breeze
but emotions are so flared up
a constant sensual tease.
Having her back home with me
such an overwhelming thought
A continuous overflow of senses
with all the joy she'd brought.
My heart pounds in compassion
then my body yells for her touch.
When she oozes out that sensuousness
my cravings are ignited so much.
Having her nearby is ecstatic
she raises my pulses beat.
I am thrilled to the fullest
from my head to my feet.
My breath starts to heave
as my body stands at attention
Desire is like a raging blast
details too intimate to mention.
I crave her with a yeoman drive
such a huge lustful tower.
every moment passing by
feels more like a lonely hour.
Side by side we sit
chemical batches a mix.
Her kiss, her embrace
a mighty passionate fix.
Yet, each encounter
more intense than the last.
Feels like a special subject
in a college romance class.
Better than a cheap novel
more excitement than a best seller.
Thrills higher than any number one hit
her power is so star stellar.
See, I keep struggling to say
what I can't find words to speak.
Every ounce within me is smiling
as I'm verbalizing what I seek.
Del Cano 2007 June
Thoughts were hard to gather
so much raced thru my mind.
Staring thru each other, knowing
tonight would be just fine.
Chats and visuals had us ready
including sighs of yearnings.
Talking 'bout the weeks event
not addressing the burnings.
At times thru the day
she followed my every move.
Even bumped into me at times
like there was something to prove.
In between hugs and kisses
heavy flares of needing her touch.
She told how when in the dungeon
at times craved to be in my clutch.
Like my thoughts had wandered
she too new the aching need.
Even in her angered demeanor
she felt that lustful plead.
When alone and in somber mode
thoughts overwhelmed her head.
Making love in a passionate fray
as jasmine radiated from the bed.
Like I, she too had struggled
constant thoughts of desire.
In the middle of a life crisis
raving thoughts of sensual fire.
She relayed one passionate day
tho fear had crept in her brain.
Couldn't get over the thought
of fucking me like insane.
This first day back home
a strange and odd affair.
My fingers can't get fulfilled
even fingering in her hair.
My body cried out to hers
when making small talk with neighbors.
Eyes darting to each other
like spears of passionate sabers.
Tho thankful for all the concern
people coming to welcome her back.
Could see the impatient glares
but not wishing to bring any flack.
Lock the doors; outside lights off
don't answer the damn phone.
Gotta git on down with loving
need to ease this raging bone.
Ah, passion flaring for a week
mental aerobics exposing the need.
Nothing less than sensual delight
this monster lustful greed.
What else can be said
bout this rising sensual foam
Heart doing a happy dance
Karen is back home.
Del Cano 2007 June
I refuse to change the sheets
her scent lingers where we laid.
The pillows hold a position
where lovers often played.
Tho the window's are open
to let air freshen the room.
Just like new buds bursting
her scent's still in full bloom
Didn't removed the water bottle
it still sits out by her chair.
Sort of a memorial to her
that spot's like sacred air.
Have yet to wash the mug
the one which touched her lips.
The one she used that morning
when taking her coffee sips.
When thoughts linger that way
I know the tears will drip
The anquish of her being gone
adds more quivers to my lip.
Memories playing scenes
cravings building to a swill.
Refusing to change the sheets
her scent lingers still.
Del Cano 2007 June
Carried my secrets on a whisper
thru times too hard for me to say.
Gathered up emotions wrecked
hugging on thru a better day.
Thru all the sordid happenings
you stayed within our bounds.
Toting with you our precious gems
keeping them safe and sound.
Took us in your bosom
squeezed with all your might.
Holding on to secrets
whispers throughout the night.
What else can I expect
they stole you from my life
invading all the fences
leaving only stress and strife.
I hear your whispers
your heartbeat sending tones
letting me know your are fine
even thru your painful moans.
Hear now my heartful whispers
let them fuse with your desire.
Be assured I am still waiting
for our return to sensual fire.
Del Cano 2007 June
Like I'm straining to step
to pass thru this frame of time
To get it all over with
the other side will be fine.
Moments carry with them
truths as well as passionate lies.
Faking sanity for others
awash in tear flooded eyes.
From one moment to the other
I'm a chameleon at best.
Changing personalities
forcing emotions to rest.
So much of the day
a fading blank cloud.
Not sure who said what
their help makes me proud.
People have been so good
treating us like we're royal.
Food shows up at the door
from those being loyal.
A lady came to tell me
I made her faith renewed.
The sort of love they spoke of
lasting, never comes unglued.
She came to pray with me
to wave her spiritual flag
and begging others to come
pull other tricks out the bag.
Ate a salad and fell asleep
awakened by the phone.
A sighting out west
chilled me to the bone.
I know this can't last
got to get over to the other side.
This frame of time hesitates
keeping me on this horrible ride.
Del Cano 2007 June
My senses are feeling raw
emotions worn to a puddle.
Speaking feels out of character
words drool, a muddle.
Sleep, a spotty affair
only moments at a time.
Eyes seeing her image
making words to rhyme.
Hunger rages on
food won't stay put.
Odd achy feelings
from head to foot.
Another sighting today
calls from the park.
A look a like woman
just a fading spark.
Worries bout her health
put insulin in the fridge.
Needles in her purse
gaps like a bridge.
Helplessness yells a blank
self blaming creeps out.
Mental aerobics center stage
heart wants to shout.
Walked our path to the park
skipped a rock on the lake.
A goose staring at me
seemed as if it had spake.
What secrets linger
should have known before.
Straining, pondering
tallying every score.
Aligning the good and bad
which result will we face.
Joy seems years away
thru this horrible disgrace.
I count blessings I have
Judy remains star of the show.
But love shared openly
creates room to grow.
Few understood us
but we couldn't care less.
I walked a lighted beam
knowing I had the best.
Judy holding my face
wiping tears salty track.
Whispering in her way
she's got to come back.
False alarms...depression
fills emotion's sinking ship.
Praying I can keep going
trying to keep my grip.
Senses totally worn out
emotions in utter awe.
This whole affair
has my nerves raw.
Arms want to flail
bring this all to an end.
Nothing left in my soul
I've got to spend.
Del Cano 2007 June
My emotions have been flared
erotic thoughts cram my mind.
With her missing like she is
doesn't seem I'm being kind.
I feel a tremendous need
to cuddle her and hold tight.
These rushing thoughts
wore on me all thru the night.
Every fiber within my body
calls out to where she is.
Bitterness pumping thru my veins
stinging like a sloe gin fizz.
Nothing seems quite real
a horrible nightmare of a dream.
My soul is spilling thoughts
emotions racing to extreme.
That helpless feeling hovers
dangling like a giant balloon.
Never moving away from me
praying she'll show up soon.
How can I be having thoughts
to the heights of erotic shores
Missing her thru this mystery
so painful by the scores.
Hear my yelling soul
screaming for relief.
Tears pouring relentlessly
racked with pain and grief.
With her still missing
erotic thoughts seem unkind.
My emotions are flared open
feel like I'm losing my mind.
Del Cano 2007 June
Fear strikes thru me
since you went away
Your empty chair looms
like a dark haunted day.
Coffee in the yard
I went to get a refill
Upon return, you're gone
space empty, so still.
Looked around, empty
heart filling to a burst
Couldn't believe you vanished
leaving this yeomen thirst.
Stopped being selfish
where have you gone?
In a matter of moments
faded like morning dawn.
Judy is upset as well
like you knew she would.
You were showered with love
as much as two people could.
What happened in you
or could it have been we.
Whatever the problem
its nothing I could see.
Fear strikes thru me
stabbing deep inside.
A morbid sort of ilk
like someone has died.
Not one word, no call
days plans dropped to the ground.
Tho spring breezes are kicking
there's stark stillness around.
Where have you gone
why did you leave unspoken.
No good-bye, see ya later
just suddenly and broken.
Our hearts are pounding
crying for some explanation.
Tears blinding our vision
from treacherous frustration.
What, why, how,
open ended questions dangle.
My breath strains
we were so entangled.
I've got your ID with me
are you not who we thought
Is there another story
we should know or sought.
Fear strikes thru me
not knowing, driving me insane.
Spirals of past moments
only enhances the pain.
No one vanishes in a moment
or evaporates like a cloud.
Nor fades like a broken video
leaving hearts beating loud.
My soul is screaming
find peace in your empty chair.
Your cup, sitting like a monument
reminds me you're not there.
Where have you gone
where can you be?
Why did you leave
as fear strikes thru me.
Del Cano 2007 June
I am deeply massaged
when her eyes smile on me.
Rubbed to a salacious level
with soft fingertips feathery.
Senses have been awakened
to tunes, till now, never heard.
Whisper of breath on my face
soft flutters like wings of a bird.
Am risen to mountainous delight
when embraced by her glory.
The rubble of words always fail
to tell the true tale of our story.
It is a phenomenon that she
chose me to love and share with.
Thru decades of life's resonance
still not convinced its not a myth.
I've totally been massaged
by her smiles of a blissful cloud.
Before all the world, I'm loving her
I'm here to "Shout It Out Loud".
Del Cano 2007 June
I studied many of your pictures
as well many words you've written.
When its been put like that
no wonder I had been smitten.
Actually a lover's touch in words
a special friend beyond a doubt.
So many emotions still hang
love is what its all about.
We've found others to fill the gap
tho space remains for our own.
Like a top cut of meat freshly sliced
we've still got the flavor of the bone.
Perhaps one day down the road
we'll finally get that real touch.
Embrace in the flesh of reality
what I've longed for so much.
Life dangled us thru its sets
might I say it took us thru phases.
Now that time is washing the bay
seems we're still turning the pages.
She asked me how much was left
of what I once had called just mine.
Its like a continuous ache
knowing it won't heal over time.
Shall I call it a gap of sorts
a hole which remains right there.
She appreciated my honesty
the thought of fingering your hair.
For so long I could taste you
my tongue craved your fare.
Target dreams sweating me
awaking to find you not there.
Life kicked my ass real good
you, my savior and friend
kept your hand extended
till what might be the very end.
If it is or maybe not
please know you remain my queen.
A royal sort of majesticness
ever aglow with your beam.
I say this with honesty
tho my world is torn apart.
You remain a precious one
ever tucked deep in my heart.
Del Cano 2007 May
Time's ticking by fast
the day is nearly at an end
been waiting patiently
for a call from my friend.
Decided after all this time
would count on her till the last
But now time marches by
and seemingly quite fast.
Never wished to doubt her
tho not one time has she won.
Here I am running out of time
with much of my future done.
We differ greatly handling business
I am not used to the last minute
but she holds on to her methods
seemingly with no planning in it.
I won't yell nor fall apart
if this proves my final slide.
Just give her a big hug
be thankful for the ride.
I'll step on to whats there
whatever mess I have created
Huge errors in judgement
too late for change, belated.
As I step into the darkness
can't help but view her face.
Loving her was a previledge
tho trustinig her a disgrace.
I refused to give in
allow the facts to tell the tale.
Everything she had promised
did nothing but come to fail.
As I see my depressed state
nothing but a failure of light.
She and I on different plains
weather mid day or in the night.
She never showed the focus
of one who truly cared
I held on to empty promises
as if making a final dare.
Oh well, guess I can't argue
I placed my bets all wrong
Loving her and keeping hope
till the last note of the song.
Del Cano 2007 May
My senses takes a spin
from the aura of her scent
and sail to the starry skies
as if were heaven sent.
Reminiscent of a rose
radiating with lustful fumes
which gathers other aromas
to a hearty sensual bloom.
Her kiss but an invitation
to a sultry morsel bite
A fancy box of chocolate
and wine to sip at night.
She smiles a radiant glow
a picture of pure lust.
No artist rendition
might stir me to a fuss.
I am struggling to tell
the effect she has on me.
Her demeanor and poise
poses reverently.
My senses takes a spin
my body trembles too
Just the aura of her presence
erupts me thru and thru.
Like the heaving of a volcano
her affect is just as strong.
Every move is an invitation
for my eyes to follow along.
A tasty treat to absorb
my mouth in a constant drool.
And when she makes love to me
I'm returned to lovers school.
All I can do is sigh
at the wonder of her loving me.
A special bouquet of flowers
I treasure ecstatically.
Del Cano 2007 May