Friday, June 01, 2007

Last Note Of the Song

Time's ticking by fast
the day is nearly at an end
been waiting patiently
for a call from my friend.

Decided after all this time
would count on her till the last
But now time marches by
and seemingly quite fast.

Never wished to doubt her
tho not one time has she won.
Here I am running out of time
with much of my future done.

We differ greatly handling business
I am not used to the last minute
but she holds on to her methods
seemingly with no planning in it.

I won't yell nor fall apart
if this proves my final slide.
Just give her a big hug
be thankful for the ride.

I'll step on to whats there
whatever mess I have created
Huge errors in judgement
too late for change, belated.

As I step into the darkness
can't help but view her face.
Loving her was a previledge
tho trustinig her a disgrace.

I refused to give in
allow the facts to tell the tale.
Everything she had promised
did nothing but come to fail.

As I see my depressed state
nothing but a failure of light.
She and I on different plains
weather mid day or in the night.

She never showed the focus
of one who truly cared
I held on to empty promises
as if making a final dare.

Oh well, guess I can't argue
I placed my bets all wrong
Loving her and keeping hope
till the last note of the song.

Del Cano 2007 May

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