Friday, June 01, 2007

Ever Remaining Precious

I studied many of your pictures
as well many words you've written.
When its been put like that
no wonder I had been smitten.

Actually a lover's touch in words
a special friend beyond a doubt.
So many emotions still hang
love is what its all about.

We've found others to fill the gap
tho space remains for our own.
Like a top cut of meat freshly sliced
we've still got the flavor of the bone.

Perhaps one day down the road
we'll finally get that real touch.
Embrace in the flesh of reality
what I've longed for so much.

Life dangled us thru its sets
might I say it took us thru phases.
Now that time is washing the bay
seems we're still turning the pages.

She asked me how much was left
of what I once had called just mine.
Its like a continuous ache
knowing it won't heal over time.

Shall I call it a gap of sorts
a hole which remains right there.
She appreciated my honesty
the thought of fingering your hair.

For so long I could taste you
my tongue craved your fare.
Target dreams sweating me
awaking to find you not there.

Life kicked my ass real good
you, my savior and friend
kept your hand extended
till what might be the very end.

If it is or maybe not
please know you remain my queen.
A royal sort of majesticness
ever aglow with your beam.

I say this with honesty
tho my world is torn apart.
You remain a precious one
ever tucked deep in my heart.

Del Cano 2007 May


Melinda said...

beautiful Spencer!

Delcano said...

Precious having your eyes
on words I have spilled
Feel free to just linger
till you've got your fill.

Thank you, Melinda.

Melinda said...

you are most welcome Spencer. My pleasure

Anonymous said...

You made some excellent points there. I did a search about the topic and barely found any specific details on other sites, but then happy to be here, seriously, thanks.

- Lucas