Saturday, June 02, 2007

Shout It Out Loud

I am deeply massaged
when her eyes smile on me.
Rubbed to a salacious level
with soft fingertips feathery.

Senses have been awakened
to tunes, till now, never heard.
Whisper of breath on my face
soft flutters like wings of a bird.

Am risen to mountainous delight
when embraced by her glory.
The rubble of words always fail
to tell the true tale of our story.

It is a phenomenon that she
chose me to love and share with.
Thru decades of life's resonance
still not convinced its not a myth.

I've totally been massaged
by her smiles of a blissful cloud.
Before all the world, I'm loving her
I'm here to "Shout It Out Loud".

Del Cano 2007 June


Melinda said...

beautiful Spence!

Blanch said...

"Shout it out loud" When it can no longer be contained within the confines of the mind, it must be love. This is a wonderful poem and I enjoyed every verse.

Anonymous said...

Thanking you both. Appreciate you stopping in.
