Monday, December 19, 2005

If But for One Night

If but for one night
we could share the tide
while strolling the beach
holding hands, side by side.
With moonlight softly lain
spreading a glow in our path
our hearts dying to share
all which holds our wrath.
Staring eye to eye
two souls sharing tears.
All the secrets of our lives
tumbling without fears.
If but for one night
our stories had emptied
all the hiddened spots
neither one to be pityed.
With confessions done
from the emotional weight
of stories hidden for years
turn to each other to sate.
In that moment of time
each with a needy heart
turn to the other for solace
to quiet every other part.

If but for one night
we embrace by the sea
on that island we now
call our reverie.
As ignited passions grow
in the midst of a new relief
our senses race across
the old threshhold of grief.
Making love in the sand
just off the edge of the tide.
Where we both shared
a most heavenly loving ride.

If but for one night.

Del Cano 2005 Dec


Tamara said...


I don't know why, but this poem is making me cry. It's beautiful Spencer, simply beautiful!

I am so glad that you are here.

Hugs and smiles,


Anonymous said...


journally yours, gem said...

oh Spencer....this is always! is sad...feels so real and true.
Gem :-)

Carly said...


This is one of your lovliest poems.

Anonymous said...

This poem is truly beautiful - I felt it. I read it three times. So tremendously poignant.
Truly one of the loveliest love poems of all times. I'm speechless - that is rare!

Carly said...

So warm and sweet

Anonymous said...

I read your poems everyday, weither it is a new one that is waiting patiently for me as I am slow to log on, or one written in the past reminding me of a love strong enough to withstand the hands of time throughout eternity. I am able to feel the love you are expressing to "Her" in every word you have written. Therefore, I must ask....Would one night ever be enough?

Delcano said...

Laura, your comment begs a response. No, one night would never be enough yet in the context of this write it felt like one of those lover's yearns which fit the idea of two sharing their hearts and most secreted pains. In the spilling of such each found total relief and felt free to express the most intimate of sharing after they had emptied the hurts they had been clinging to for so long.

We often stymi our passions and love by dragging with us many of yesterday's bad situations and failures. In doing so we cheat ourselves of the absolute joy of sharing thru love; of giving in to the ocean of sensualness in which we say we wish to partake. Almost a certainty some hide behind yesterday's pains thus preventing the most treasured state of being in which one might wish to be enveloped.

Now, as for as the "Her" or "She" in my writes there is no mystery my Judy is the most powerful of muses one can have. But, one must allow for fantasies and creations to expand beyond the known into the realm of poetic bliss. Using her as a kicking off point I am allowed to sail the horizons for even deeper sensual touches. I am allowed to take myself (the writer) and another to the heights one's mind can stretch to. In the ending creation the reader never really knows with whom I shared that particular marvelous trip and "that" as a poet excites me no end. I can make love within the confines of an artistic flare and feel ecstatic about it. I can flail my arms open and greet the world. Within that realm I can stop wars, feed the hungry and nourish lost souls. I can comfort the depressed as well as give hope to some. I can inspire some to believe in the possiblity of love again or allow them to replace the "she" or "her" and insert their
name within the write.

That to me is poetry. To show the simple beauty in a rose. To expose to some who might miss the beauty of a sunset or sunrise and the sharing of that beauty with others.

Thank you for your indulgence.

Anonymous said...

You have left me lacking of any sound,(except maybe a silent sigh) to read your words meant for anyone whom may pass by is breath taking, but to read your words spoken directly to me takes away my voice. I could not have ever agreed with your understanding of letting the past remain in the past any more than I do at this point in my life. I have for as long as I have lived slowly allowed greif, guilt and self-pity to take control over the person whom God truly meant for me to become. I am blessed beyond words that there are those whom love me enough to say "NO" we are not going to just stand idly by and let this happen without doing all that can be done. I owe my future of happiness, love and understanding to God for the love that he has opened my heart to. I pray everyday that his blessings will forever be upon those whom he has chosen to follow the way of his will.

Delcano said...

Then Laura, I see you as blessed.

Anonymous said...

doggone it spencer, you do it again and again ... what a lover at heart you are, my friend ... super hugs ...


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